The theme of FRAGIL! is human shortcomings and the fragility of systm, but above all it enquires after hope. Here, the photo collective ‚Zusammen sind wir 7' unites four perspectives that demonstrate how minor cracks in apparently stable structures can have far-reaching consequences. Blunder do, in any case! A hopeful glimpse at the future is taken at the same time.
Carmen Böttcher
Sidney Lynne Erbe
Irene Schröder
Rixa Schwarz
Event Location
Galerie PETELBrüssler Str. 96
50672 Köln
Duration and Admission
16.05. – 15.06.2025Eintritt frei
Vernissage and Special Events
Vernissage16.05.2025 16:00
15.06.2025 12:00
Opening hours
Mon-Thu 3-8 p.m.
Fri 3-9 p.m.