Carnival during the Covid pandemic was practically impossible. So, the young people from the Jugendwerkstatt Chorweiler of JFW Köln e.V. came up with the idea of posting 1,200 bunches of flowers and a brief note in their neighbours’ letterboxes. The Carnival Triumvirate helped them with signing the letters and stuffing envelopes. The measure was organized and captured in photographs by Kamil Rachwal: the results were unusual moments with no historical precedents, which still make us think today.
Rachwal Kamil
Event Location
GULLIVER Überlebensstation für ObdachloseTrankgasse (Bahnbogen 1) 20
50667 Köln
Duration and Admission
14.05. – 28.07.2023Vernissage and Special Events
Vernissage14.05.2023 14:00
Opening hours
Mon–Sun/ holidays 8 a.m.–3 p.m.