Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung 12.05. – 11.06.2023

Photography in Progress: Fragile Infrastrukturen


Photoszene-SpecialsFestivalVernissage & Special Event
Button Co-labs Progress

We understand photography as a medium in progress, which is constantly changing due to external influences and technical innovations. In addition to artistic strategies that question both technical progress and media-specific conditions and modes of use, we want to show a variety of presentation possibilities and visual languages. It is not only through digitalisation or artificial intelligence that their scope and possibilities of reception are constantly expanding. Globalisation and increasing networking are leading to an ever more complex and, as it were, fragile world in which changes are taking place faster than ever before. In our everyday lives, we are constantly challenged to deal with these changes and to create structures to deal with them. Photography as part of visual culture is also affected by this fragility, so that the way we take, receive and share photographs is also undergoing major changes.

Curated by Dana Bergmann and Alexander Hagmann

Albdorf Thomas
Bleßmann Leo
Faber Kati
Glas Maximilian
Gorospe Jon
Grein Alex
Husser Johan
Jocham Anna
Lenz Kristina & Klug Alex Simon
Meuresch Sophie
Poller Daniel
Ruckert Martin
Schmid Michael
Schneidereit Berit
Tanaka Soushi
Stuke Katja & Sieber Oliver
Zmeyev Maxim

Event Location

Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung
Wormser Str. 23
50677 Köln


Duration and Admission

12.05. – 11.06.2023

Vernissage and Special Events

Spot On: Co-Labs!
12.05.2023 18:00
As part of the Opening Days of the Photoszene Festival, the focus today is on "Photography in Progress". The curators and artists will be present.

01.06.2023 18:00
Dana Bergmann und Alexander Hagmann führen durch die Ausstellung

Finissage und Rundgang mit den beteiligten Künstler:innen
11.06.2023 18:30
Finissage, Rundgang durch die Ausstellung mit teilnehmenden Künstler:innen

Opening hours

Tue–Fri 16–20 p.m.
Sat+Sun 12–18 p.m.
Wed–Fri 14–18 p.m.
Sat+Sun 12–18 p.m.

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