The Professional Association of Freelance Photographers and Film Creators (BFF) shows, as part of Internationale Photoszene Köln, the photo exhibition 'Revolte', which aims to shed light on revolting, rebelling, turmoil, and internal and external insurrection from various perspectives. 20 works by BFF artists are on view in the public space and made accessible to an extensive public through the use of billboards in the urban area.
As the exact poster locations were not yet known at the time of going to press, the information about the exhibition locations can be taken from the website.
A cooperation with Stroer
Alexander Ernst
Breitschuh Roland
Brauner Felix
Einwanger Klaus
Gerst Caroline
Godry Peter
Hiller Jost
Koebe Daniel
Langemeier Lars
Meyer Constantin
Morgenstern Claus
Päffgen Stefanie
Pranschke Rafael
Rave Manfred
Schorn Per
Siegert Christoph
Strojny Jörn
Steinweg Christoph
Stiepel Kai
Veith Simon

To the billboard locations:
Event Location
BFF Berufsverband freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter / Region Köln- DüsseldorfPlakate im öffentlichen Raum
Duration and Admission
12.05. – 21.05.2023Vernissage and Special Events
Vernissage12.05.2023 12:00
Opening hours
Publicly accessible 24/7