An observation on film of present-day society, examining identity, gender and role models, is supplemented by compilations of collective memories of war trauma and excesses of human violence. The dimension of temporality is manifested in the evolution of image errors during data backup, audible and visible in the form of white noise and picture noise. Old and new film technologies coalesce in science fiction, nature documentary and surreal visual worlds.
Córdova Rafael Andrade
Klasse Danica Dakić (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf)
Gruber Antonia
Hoyme Kai Welf
Veit Conrad & Kätzl Charlotte Maria
Kaiser Saskia Tamara
Knapp Tessa
Liebecke Lucien
Marxt Lukas
Min Kyounghyun
Odenbach Marcel
Seok Han
Zając Mio
Event Location
BEISTE_SatelliteBrüsseler Str. 26
50674 Köln
Duration and Admission
12.05. – 21.05.2023Vernissage and Special Events
Vernissage12.05.2023 18:00
Opening hours
Mon–Thu 5–7 p.m.
Fri+Sat 2–10 p.m.
Sun 2–7 p.m.