Photoszene-Festival 2018

21.- 30. September 2018

With 89 exhibitions this year, the Cologne International Photoszene once again brought together photography's players in a strong common bond, however diverse their engagement with photography may be: the focus and strength of the Cologne Photoszene lies in precisely this versatility that the medium offers.Festival

110,000 visitors | 90 exhibitions | 51 events | Over 300 artists

The Photoszene Festival took place for the last time in September before moving to May alongside photokina from 2019.

With 89 exhibitions this year, the Cologne International Photoscene once again brought together the players in photography in a strong common alliance, however diverse their engagement with photography may be: the focus and strength of the Cologne Photoscene lies in precisely this versatility that the medium offers.

A new program aims to make this diversity more visible: The Photoszene Residency Artist meets Archive, for which we welcomed six international artists to the city's collections and archives during this festival and whose exhibitions we are extremely looking forward to in May 2019!

The MAKK - Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln was not only the festival center for the second time, but was repeatedly the meeting point for photo book lovers: this year's guests were the Kassel Dummy Award and the renowned Kassel Photobook Award! In addition, the MAKK hosted an extensive supporting program in cooperation with the German Society for Photography (DGPh)!

This year, the Photoszene offered a variety of opportunities to get to know the festival and a vital and diverse photography scene in Cologne, both individually and in exchange with other visitors, through special educational offers and formats such as 'Through the Night with...', 'Kulturspur Spezial / jungekunstfreunde' or the 'Photo Workshop - Love Your City'.

Artist Meets Archive #1

Internationally active artists dedicated themselves to the collections during the Photoszene Festival in the fall of 2018 and enabled new perspectives on parts of the collections through their specific view and their own artistic practice.
The results of this engagement were on view as an exhibition or intervention during the next Photoszene Festival in May 2019 in the respective houses.

Artist:s: Erik Kessels (NL), Ola Kolehmainen (FIN), Ronit Porat (ISR), Fiona Tan (NL/IDN), Roselyne Titaud (F), and Antje van Wichelen (BE).

To Artist Meets Archive #1

Portfolio Review SICHTBAR

Cologne is a metropolis of photography. And SICHTBAR is the portfolio review as part of the Photoszene Festival. Three times twenty minutes with three of twenty photography experts. The result of this account: a unique opportunity to present one's photographic work to the most important houses in the region, as well as international guests!

The portfolio review took place on September 28, 2018 at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, in Cologne.

Reviewers: Frank Dürrach, Barbara Engelbach, Lucia Halder, Miriam Halwani, Michael Kaune, Ola Kolehmainen, Stefanie Kreuzer, Frederic Lezmni, Sandro Parrotta, Ronit Porat, Oliver Rausch, Thomas Rehbein, Martin Rendel, Julian Sander, Tina Schelhorn, Barbara J. Scheuermann, Claudia Schubert, Nadia van der Grinten, Thomas Zander, Wolfgang Zurborn

Das Fotobuch Quartett +

Five experts discuss brand-new photo books or long-forgotten classics of photographic history: "Das Fotobuch-Quartett+" is like the Literary Quartet - only without Markus Lanz. It's like the Last Judgment - only without the salad dressing. Or like the Oscars - only without clowns. In short: "Das Fotobuch-Quartett+" is unique - and this time even with Erik Kessels.

On the panel: Frank Dürrach (Fotoakademie Koeln), Nadine Preiss (Photoszene), Markus Schaden (The PhotoBookMuseum), Damian Zimmermann (Photoszene)
Special Guest: Erik Kessels

Watch the video

Photoszene-KIDS & Junge Photoszene

Mit Erdmännchen August auf Weltentdecker-Tour

In the fall program of Photoszene KIDS & the Junge Photoszene, there were two photo (book) workshops for children from 6 and 10, respectively, as well as the FOTO LAB at Museum Ludwig to discover, to which even kindergarten children were invited....
During the festival, the Käthe Kollwitz Museum Cologne offered all those interested in photography (16 years and older) the opportunity to get to know the work of photographer Eva Besnyö better in 4 different photography workshops.
In addition, the winners of the German Youth Photography Award were invited to meet and exchange ideas with Erik Kessels, Fiona Tan, Sandra Stein and Peter Bitzer (laif Agency for Photos & Reportages).

The Photoszene Festival 2018 also presented the special project 'Art Meets Education' in an exhibition at MAKK. Art Meets Education is an organization that facilitates education through photography. The concern of Art Meets Education is to help people help themselves: empowering them to independently finance their own schooling thus sets the key to a self-determined life without poverty.



Pop goes Art - Andy Warhol - MAKK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln | Peter Gowland's Girls - Peter Gowland - MAKK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln | Kassel Dummy Award & Photobook Award - Gruppenausstellung - MAKK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln | Doing the Document - Gruppenausstellung - Museum Ludwig | Name der Fotografin: Aenne Biermann - Museum Ludwig | Photographien aus Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts - August Sander - Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur | Budapest, Berlin, Amsterdam. - Eva Besnyö - Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln | Real Life Dramas - Mary Frey - Forum für Fotografie | The Only Male Geisha - Gruppenausstellung - Japanisches Kulturinstitut (The Japan Foundation)


Urban Stories von San Francisco bis Köln - Verena Guther - Art Galerie 7 | Das Wasser, der Fluss - Igor Chepikov - Galerie 21 | Yoko Ono & Co - Anne Ruth Kieschnick - Galerie Arbeiterfotografie | Quadri veneziani - Dmitri Broido - Galerie B7 | "Cuba. The other side of the mirror" - José María Mellado - Galerie Boissere | S c h e i n b a r - Rita Rohlfing - Galerie Floss & Schultz | In Extremis - Sandro Giordano alias Remmidemmi - In Focus Galerie - B. Arnold | August Sander gesehen von Gerd Sander - August Sander - Galerie Julian Sander | Köln Die Schönheit auf den Zweiten Blick. - Jo Fober - Galerie Kaune Contemporary | Summer of Love - John Chicago (alias Wolfgang Schulz) - Galerie Koppelmann – Kunstwerk Nippes | The Island of the Colorblind - Sanne de Wilde - Galerie Lichtblick | Unseen Conflicts - War on Terror - Edmund Clark - Parrotta Contemporary Art | "Was mir fremd ist..." - Gruppenausstellung - Galerie Smend | Die Rückseite des Lichts - Andreas Gefeller - Thomas Rehbein Galerie | Tod Papageorge: Dr. Blankman's New York - Tod Papageorge - Galerie Thomas Zander | Works 2016-2018 - Bernd Halbherr - Van der Grinten Galerie | Parkland - Gruppenausstellung - Laden 102 - Galerie für Aktuelle Kunst | Ctrl-X. A topography of e-waste - Kai Löffelbein - Laif Photogalerie | Auf Kosten anderer - Laif für Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - Laif Photogalerie | The Moon - Shigeru Takato - Plus Raum für Bilder | Klaus der Geiger - Christel Plöthner - Werkstattgalerie Tam Uekermann | Hommage an David Goldblatt - Krings-Ernst Galerie

Art Spaces

Ich mich ohne - Tilman Peschel - Artothek - Raum für junge Kunst | High Five - Gruppenausstellung - Altes Pfandhaus | Der weibliche und männliche Po - Gudrun Holtz - Art-Projekt - Galerie im Kunstzentrum Wachsfabrik | Self Reflection – Wer bist Du! - Gruppenausstellung - Artrmx e.V. | Rhein km 683 - 692 - Anja Schlamann - Atelier Anja Schlamann im Kunsthaus Rhenania | Outside now - 50 Jahre Straßenfotografie - Anna E. Stärk - Atelier Anna E. Stärk | Die Todgeweihten – Hambacher Forst - Martin Claßen - Atelier Martin Clas | Für den Augenblick - Gruppenausstellung - Atelierhaus Art Factory | Zwischen Kölsch und Gewehr - Gruppenausstellung - Ausstellungs- und Schauraum Ute Jalas | Rheine träume die Vierte - Gruppenausstellung - Basement Studios | The Chargesheimer Project - Chargesheimer - Bunker K 101 | 0 1 - Max Dauven - Case — Projektraum der Fotografie, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln | Der kontrollierte Zufall - Nikos Choudetsanakis - Ehemalige Metall und Kunstgießerei Emil Klöckner | Porträtstation - Gruppenausstellung - Fotoakademie-Koeln | Lindenthal to go - Gruppenausstellung - FotorAUM Köln e.V. | Jenseits des Westens - Martin Gerner - Herz Jesu Kirche Köln | Italienbilder - Gruppenausstellung - Italienisches Kulturinstitut | Hunger und Flucht - Gérard Klijn - Jens Scholz Kunstauktionen in Köln | „Das Sehen verändert unser Wissen, ... - Ralf Kardes - K49 | „Kirche und Stadt“ - Gruppenausstellung - Kirche Sankt Gertrud | Identity Relations - Mehtap Baydu - Kjubh Kunstverein e.V. | Weites, unbekanntes Russland - Joseph Kiblitsky - Kulturkirche Ost | Artist´z Pub international! (No. 7) - Gruppenausstellung - Kunstraum Christoph Wieacker | Spaces for Species - Gruppenausstellung - Kunstraum Grevy! | Vier Positionen - Gruppenausstellung - Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung | KunstWerk Photokollektion - Gruppenausstellung - Kunstwerk Köln e.V. | (long arms) (forever) - Stine Sampers - Labor Projektgalerie | I was told it is true that some things happen... - Lucia Tollens - Matjö – Raum für Kunst | Amerika - Einblicke - JOCAO - Mhk Inhouse Galerie | Perspective Playground - Gruppenausstellung - Olympus Playground – Photokina Halle 1 | Wer kümmert sich eigentlich um die Realität? - Gruppenausstellung - Petersburger Raum für Kunst | Time as Tool – Inquiries in abstract photography - Sophia Uckmann - Post Tyler | Schanzenstrasse 4.0 - Gruppenausstellung - Schaelpic Photokunstbar | You is always someone else - Alexander Basile - Stefan Schuelke Fine Books | Sky / Sand - Gruppenausstellung - Studio Guido Schiefer / Thomas Kost | Straub/Huillet/Cézanne. Seelen malt man nicht - Gruppenausstellung - Temporary Gallery Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst e.V. | Unterwegs im polnischen Grenzgebiet zur Ukraine - Kamil Rachwal - Überlebensstation Gulliver | "Veränderung" - Gruppenausstellung - Vhs-Studienhaus am Neumarkt | Unresolved Desire - Aurel Dahlgrün - Zero Fold | Die Summe meiner Daten - Elias Wessel - Projektraum der Galerie Ruttkowski – Pop 68

Temporary Spots

SICHTEN SCHICHTEN BELICHTEN - Gruppenausstellung - Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, Treppenhaus, 1. bis 5. Etage und Atelier 506 | Stillleben - Stanislav Tůma - Christuskirche | Köln - Fotografie - Karl Hugo Schmölz - Citypavillon an der Antoniterkírche | Moving Mountains - Rosy Beyelschmidt - Clang Artspace [im neuen Kunstforum] | SWEET SUBURBAN SKY - Gruppenausstellung - Clubheim Olympia | Armenia meets Germany - Gruppenausstellung - Crews and Captains GmbH | Alles was da draußen ist - Gruppenausstellung - Das Klinkerkollektiv | German Roamers x OLYMPUS Pop-Up Space - Gruppenausstellung - Greatlive | 90 Jahre Evangelische Kartäuserkirche - Gruppenausstellung - Kartäuserkirche | #minnsche - Dieter Röseler - Keimaks ... Bar, Bistro | Fading Memories - Kathrin Broden - Kunst Köln (Lokal Alte Feuerwache) | KUNSTHALLE RROSE SÉLAVY - eine Installation - Christina Anna Thomas - Kunsthalle Rrose SéLavy | KRAFTWERKE - Katja Richter - Markthalle Belgisches Viertel | Deutschery - Jugendfotopreis 2018 - Gruppenausstellung - Photokina / Koelnmesse - Halle 2.2, Stand B018 | #ISO-01 - Petra Blank und Jo Kirchherr - Photostudio Jo Kirchherr | Au Contraire 3 - Gruppenausstellung - Rufffactory | Symptome einer Erinnerung - Sophie Scheifele - Stadtwaldholz | Uneven Perspectives - Gruppenausstellung - UngleichEins

  •   © Silviu Guiman

    Artist Meets
    Archive #1

    Photoszene Residencies
  • Photoszene-Festival 2014

    16. - 21. September 2014

    16. - 25. September 2016
  • Photoszene-Festival 2019

    3. - 12. Mai 2019
  • Photoszene-Festival 2020

    22. bis 31. Mai 2020
  •   © Stöer

    Photoszene-Festival 2021

    21. Mai - 1. Juni 2021
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