The Dummy Award is the international competition for the best unpublished photobook dummies of the year. Every year, the PhotoBookMuseum invites international photographers to participate. Out of 400 entries, the jury picked 50 favourites, which are exhibited during the Photoszene Festival and then go on a world tour. The public will have the opportunity to share their preferences. Based on this selection, five winning books will be chosen from the shortlist. Come, see, read and vote!
Dauer und Eintritt
16.05. – 09.06.2025Öffnungszeiten
Di-So/Tue-Sun 10-18 Uhr/10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Do/Thu 10-20 Uhr/10 a.m.-8 p.m.
1. Do im Monat/1st Thu of the month 10-22 Uhr/10 a.m.-10 p.m. (an Feiertagen/on public holidays 10-18 Uhr/10 a.m.-6 p.m.), montags geschlossen/closed on mondays